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Heal • Connect • Transform • Educate

- Energy Healing -

Leah’s life purpose is to help others heal so they can feel more connected to themselves, their life and the world around them. The mission of Leah May Energy Healing is to enact change in others through genuine heart connection. Through conscious, heartfelt connection, Leah May Healing works with individuals and groups to change, heal and transform their lives. She is a Energy Healer and Educator, teaching Vibrational Balancing © to those who wish to become healers themselves. 

- Services -

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Energy Healing

Healing presents the opportunity for you to understand and resolve deeper issues that are impacting your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Healing can also transform your ability to relate to others and the world around you.

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Leah is a Jamie Accredited Teacher offering courses in:
● Channelling and Automatic Writing One  ● Vibrational Balancing One and Two

The three courses are a powerful gateway to reading and transforming energy blocks with yourself and then your clients. 

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Vibrational essences are lovingly created from nature and provide healing frequencies to assist you with transitions and change. 

Essential oil blends are channelled and lovingly created by Leah using pure essential oil synergies. 

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Spiritual Counselling and Mentoring

Leah May Energy Healing provides a safe place to facilitate conscious awareness and connection to yourself, your life and your interaction with the world around you. Leah provides practical ways for you to become more aware, engaged and connected. 

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Guided Meditations MP3

Guided meditation allows you to access your subconscious mind and become aware of and resolve core issues that are impacting you. Choose from various meditations to assist in calming your mind, improving sleep and wellbeing.

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~ Customer Reviews ~ 

I was impressed by Leah's teaching style in the automatic writing course. Leah provided clear guidance and inspiration with a variety of themes drawn from nature to learn the language of energy. I was able to connect, draw and record information. 

~ Ana ~

I am so glad I trusted my intuition when I met Leah because I knew I wanted to work with her, and I was right! Leah is grounded and deeply rooted in her process and knowingness. She was clear, direct and loving in her delivery of the very messages I needed to hear. At the time of our initial meetings, I was so grateful for Leah, and now I see how I did not understand HOW powerful these sessions were until many months later, after the loss of a parent and the resulting ongoing transformation.  Now I can see how everything she brought into my awareness is manifesting, and those initial sessions prepared me for what was to come. It is all becoming clear! I am forever grateful. For those of you who have brought Leah into your life, trust your intuition. She has arrived in your life for a reason and is a wise and transformative messenger. Let the process flow! 

With love and heartfelt gratitude.
~ Annika ~

Leah is a kind and supportive practitioner, and I have found these sessions to be extremely beneficial.

~ Libby ~

Thanks, Leah, for the wonderful energy healing. It was amazing. I feel so much better within myself. Your kind, warm welcome made me feel at ease. I would highly recommend it. 

~ Anita ~

Leah works with you holistically, providing a natural way for you to heal using vibrational balancing frequencies and techniques. Getting to the underlying issue that has presented physically, emotionally, or mentally that needs to be healed. Each healing session is lovingly and carefully prepared for you for optimal effect.

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