About leah

Empowering individuals to heal, grow, and transform through the profound power of energy healing. My mission is to guide, educate, and support souls on their journey towards wholeness, self discovery, and inner peace.

Leah is an Energy Healer, trained in Vibrational Balancing ©, Jamie Natural Health and Healing, Essential Oil Perfume, Pet Care, Meditation and Awareness. Leah is a Jamie Accredited Teacher of Channelling and Automatic Writing One, Vibrational Essences One and Two, and Vibrational Balancing One and Two.
Leah began her journey as a healer after facing many challenges in her life from a young age. These experiences led to dysfunctional relationships, emotional turmoil, anxiety and physical illness. 

How Energy Healing Changed My Life – Leah writes

Through my life challenges I was led to energy healing and began my own healing journey which changed my life. Energy healing has allowed me to move past difficult times, forgive myself and others so I can detach from anger and fear. It has allowed me to take responsibility and control of my life, understand and become conscious of my actions and interactions with others, my life and the world around me.

Energy healing allowed me to resolve past traumas and complex issues, to understand them consciously, end them and heal. 

My belief and firsthand experience in the benefits of energy healing has led to a life of helping others to heal. I have worked extensively in the community as an Educator and Career Counsellor, working with individuals to improve their lives. I am excited to continue this journey as an Energy Healer, Teacher of Energy Healing, Spiritual Counsellor and Mentor.” 

Leah May (Pappas)  

Leah provides healing, mentoring and education services to the community and has created a safe place where she facilitates Energy Healing Consults, Energy Healing Classes, Guided Meditation, Mentoring, and Spiritual Counselling.