New series of Chantras. Mixing chants and mantra.
Vibrational frequencies help release stuck energy in the mind, body, and soul. Chantras assist with connection to yourself and your spirituality (connection to the universe). Voice channeled to bring through meditative healing frequencies, creating space to heal, balance, and raise consciousness.
Soul Sun Chantra, brings the dark into the light, shining the sun's rays of light to ignite and initiate change and healing. Illuminating that which is hidden or needs to be revealed. Opening up the heart and embracing change.
Chandra a Sanskrit word meaning moon, beauty, femininity, and inspiration. Chant comes from the Latin word Cantare "to sing". Mantra means a tune or song that repeats to set a tone and balance. Mantra in Sanskrit means Man=mind and Tra=release. Vibrational frequencies heal blockages or stress in the body and release the mind from chatter, clutter, and confusion.