The Essence of Being Whole
Let’s dive deep into what being whole really is and how you can find ways to improve your inner happiness and peace.
Wholeness comes from within, a natural state of being that allows you to live your life well.
Ponder for a moment the time we spend on ourselves, taking care of our needs, and listening to our own inner wisdom. When we listen, we can hear what is in our best interest. What takes you away from your true self, your dreams, and visions?
Let us begin by understanding why we find it difficult. We are engaged in an endless pursuit to survive, but how much of what we are pursuing is really needed or necessary? We have literally lost our way. The simplicity of life has gone, creating all manner of conveniences. A dependency and co-dependent world. What if we lost it all tomorrow? What would we do? How would we survive?
Begging the question; how can we return to our true nature and our own true wholesome selves?
What is enough?
What is needed?
What is necessary?
It is a simple concept, but often we think we need to add more, do more, buy more, consume more to somehow add value to ourselves. But if we flipped this concept and removed more of what we don’t need, this is the beginning of change and returning home.
It does not really matter what we have in the end, if we are not healthy and happy within ourselves and living the life we want to live. Nothing in the outside world will make us happy. Happiness and contentment come from within. We already know what is best for us.
Ask yourself, what am I not giving myself?
What do I need that this thing or item is trying to fulfill?
For example, if you are going to eat a whole bar of chocolate, what are you needing? Is it comfort? Is it love? Is it self-nurture? What is enough? What do you really need?
What is missing that you are denying or trying to substitute?
If we ignore our needs, we are denying our whole self. We are only living part of who we really are and who we really want to be.
A common habit for reflection and consideration.
When I buy ……………….it makes me feel?
Then ask yourself these reflective questions.
What am I trying to fulfill when I do this?
What needs are not being met within me?
What would allow me to give this to myself?
What do I need to do or change?
Do I have enough?
Is it needed?
Is it necessary?
When I buy clothes, it makes me feel special and beautiful.
What am I trying to fulfill when I do this? A need to feel good about myself.
What needs are not being met within me? The need to be loved by myself, to love myself at a much deeper level.
What do I need to do or change? The way you see yourself when you look in the mirror, to accept and love yourself no matter what.
Do I have enough? Yes
Is it needed? No, I have enough, I am enough
Is it necessary? No, I have enough, I am enough
Free Self-reflection Journal
The Free Downloadable Self-Reflection Journal has 30 days for reflection. One page each day, including six pages at the beginning of the journal related to this blog.
Use the reflective worksheet to explore further.
Common habits to self-sabotage or ignore our real needs.
When I drink alcohol, it makes me feel……………………….?
When I smoke, it makes me feel…………………?
When I eat chocolate or sugary sweets, it makes me feel………………….?
When I judge or gossip about others, it makes me feel…………………………...?
When I spend hours on my phone, it makes me feel……………………………?
When I buy expensive items, it makes me feel…………………………………?
When I avoid doing things, I know I need to do, it makes me feel………………?
When I control myself or others, I feel………………………?
When I do not get my own way, I feel………………………….?
When I talk over other people, I feel…………………………?
Self-reflection gives you the space to create inner peace and happiness, returning to wholeness. Giving you the time to review your life and make adjustments that meet your needs, allowing you to let go of the unnecessary.
If you would like assistance to move what is holding you back more quickly, then I would love to work with you. We can work together in a healing session to look at the real underlying causes, end them so you can come to a resolution, heal and move forward. Healing gently shifts and transforms what no longer serves you in your life.
To book a tailored healing click here Book a Healing
Currently the new healing room is under construction. I am so excited to share the new healing space with you in January 2024. I can do distance healings while the renovations are happening. Located in San Remo, Phillip Island and Cape Woolamai area in the Gippsland region.
Durante, K. M., & Laran, J. (2016). The Effect of Stress on Consumer Saving and Spending. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(5), 814–828.